Côte d’Ivoire
Bouaflé, Duékoué, Guiglo and Bloléquin
Water supply in four region's administrative centres
TPF carried out a diagnosis of the drinking water supply system in the Region's Administrative Centres of Bouaflé, Duékoué, Guiglo and Bloléquinande (Lot 1)
In addition, our teams proposed a strategic planning framework setting out strategic orientations to improve water access.
The plan outlined a series of projects such as:
- 3 Hydromobil catchments on the rivers with flow pumps ranging from 200 m³/h to 600 m³/h,
- 4 water treatment plants with a capacity ranging from 600 m³/h to 1300 m³/h,
- 1 recovery station with reservoir of approximately 1500 m³,
- 6 water towers with a capacity ranging from 200 m³ to 1000 m³,
- 160 km of cast iron pipes DN 250 to 500,
- approx. 1900 km of PVC DN 63 to 200 pipes.
Our mission(s)
- Study of water demand
- Diagnosis of existing water supply systems
- Development of master plans for drinking water supply and accompanying measures
- Economic and financial analysis
- Development of the investment plan